2024 Purchase District Fair Demolition Derby
The Purchase District Fair Demolition Derby is back for 2024! All the smashing and crashing you wish you could get away with on Paris Road. An entire evening of hard-hitting action and excitement featuring local favorites and challengers from all over the region competing in four classes.
Vehicle inspections will be done by David Sullivan (270) 331-1109 and Jerry Darnell (270) 227-2229. Their decisions are final in all matters.
Contact Chuck Vanmeter with Twisted Metal Derbies at (270) 200-0800 for complete information and technical requirements for all classes.
- Big Bone Stock Cars (rules):
- 1st – $5,000
- 2nd – $3,000
- 3rd – $1,500
- Mad Dog – $500
- Built Minis (rules):
- 1st – $800
- 2nd – $500
- 3rd – $100
- Mad Dog – $100
- MWFA (rules):
- 1st – $1,200
- 2nd – $600
- 3rd – $300
- Mad Dog – $400
- Gut & Go:
(12 car minimum for prize purse payout, otherwise 100% payback)- 1st – $500
- 2nd – $300
- 3rd – $100
- Mad Dog – $100
- Lawn Mowers: (100% payback)
- Stock Class
- Mod Class
- Power Wheels welcome! The kid’s Power Wheels Demo Derby will kick off right before the main events. There are no age limits, driver must be able to fit in to the vehicle, and no modifications may be made to the vehicle. Trophies will be awarded and gift bags given to each participant.
The thrills, chills, and spills start at 7:00 p.m. Saturday, June 15th.
Admission prices as follows:
- Grandstand seating: $10 per person (children under 10 free).
- Infield pit pass: $20 per person (children under 10 free).
Contact Chuck Vanmeter with Twisted Metal Derbies at (270) 200-0800 for complete information and technical requirements for all classes. R
We are actively seeking and selling sponsorships for 2024. Contact Tommy Sullivan at (270) 356-0884 to help make this year bigger and better than 2023!
Don’t forget the 2024 Purchase District Fair Enduro Derby on Friday, June 14th at 7:00 p.m.

Main Event Sponsor